Introducing Sophia
Hi, my name is Sophia, and I have been learning at W.S. Hawrylak School for 6 years. I love to learn here. The teachers are very nice, and I have many great friends here. W.S. Hawrylak School is a great place. Coming to W.S. Hawrylak School is a great honour, and I feel proud walking into W.S. Hawrylak each morning and coming out each afternoon. I love W.S. Hawrylak School!!
My cultural background is Chinese. All my ancestors came from China. On my dad's side, everyone was born in Sichuan, China, and on my mom's side, they have all been born in Changli Heibei, China. In China, there are 2 ways of writing the Chinese language. One way is called Bihua, and the other is Hanyupingying. I find Bihua harder than Hanyupingying because in Hanyupingying, the letters are basically like the English letters except the Chinese has over 40 letters because we have combinations of letters that are just a combination of 2 different English letters such as "ch" like the first sound of my last name. Bihua is a combination of strokes that form 1 word. In Chinese there are about 100 surnames, so it is not uncommon to have the same last names as someone else. In China, we say the last name before the first name such as for Tongtong Chen, we say Chen Tongtong. I was born in liziana, Zianada. During Chinese New Years, we put out firecrackers to scare away the bad spirits. We also put sheets of red paper on our doors. This is because red means good luck and the strongest evil monster is afraid of the colour red. We also put out Chinese dragon shows and martial art shows. The children play the Chinese Yoyo which is a long string attached to 2 sticks; you spin the Yoyo on the string and sticks.
This is some interesting and cool information about me, my schooling and a brief paragraph about Chinese writing and Chinese culture. Bye!!! :)